
  Noble Sangha…. when i was deeply imbedded in Road Cycling racing,   i was trained by my Elders to “See the Organization…” what this meant was to realize that elite cycling is like an aerobic/anaerobic chess match…you must – no matter HOW HARD YOU ARE HURTING – keep your (what i have called) HELICOPTER […]

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as our food supply becomes less and less trustworthy and more and more pranically impotent; my philosophy of relying on world-class supplements as CORE nutrition then wisely selecting dietary foods for calories and fiber seems to becoming an ever smarter approach than it was when i introduced the notion 35 years ago…here is an example of one of my world-class supplements that i use personally and professionally for weight management and hormonal balance//support for the endocrine system…

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Dear Coach Ilg –

i first got turned onto your work from TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION…as an artist? I have got to say that your body of work c(om)pletely (as you would probably write it!) revamped my entire way of thinking of ‘art.’ So many who called ourselves ‘artists’ have little – if any – conception of what ‘art’ means when it comes to to transforming the current palette of our body/mind/spirit into a Higher Fitness/Consciousness as you have so beautifully demonstrated throughout your life; you have changed everything from your sports, your paralysis, your writing, your everything and now, perhaps as the most exquisite and most recent brush to your life journey; your fatherhood.

my big vice is NEWS! yes, that’s right…news. i feed upon headlines, articles, breaking reports…i know this must sound horrid to you..yet, as you have Taught me, “We all have our addictions, it’s just a matter of vibration.”

so, if you’d be soooo kind to answer me this ONE QUESTION (i’ve enclosed a Temple Tithe for your time and consideration):

where do you get your “Outer World” news?

stealing another line from you:

Head Bowed,

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BODYHEALTH sent me a pre-release bottles in the autumn, i’ve used it all winter racing season and well, as you can tell my RESULTS this winter? Yeah, i’m totally stoked about this upgrade to our cellular nutrition! Below, a couple of Student questions are answered…

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We are human. We are upright. We are beautifully, uniquely our own Self. We are meant to fail at any given turn for that is how we Rise Higher. Take the time to understand our voluntary athletic suffering and we may be able to contemplate and amplify our Higher spiritual intentions to become better in the process and in turn understand our Wholeness; become our own medicine man.

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ilg uses and relies on two TREMENDOUS BodyHealth products to keep the fat off; Healthy Thin and Optimal Weight Management Formula which is most optimally used along with the MAP Amino Acids, INTESTINAL CLEANSE, and COMPLETE + Liver DeTox…

just click the above link to receive the Coach Ilg Discount and 24/7 communciation/guidance with me as you enjoy your BODYHEALTH JOURNEY!

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When Aspens Can No Longer Whisper To Me…

These are my happy times, when the Aspens can no longer whisper their cheers to me… when, lower, the harvest begins to wane and the Bear Beings begin etching their long nocturnal nap beds…. when I force myself time and again to my lonely walk and work to the utmost upon this aging body of mine… There is warmth in the valleys

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    my 18-minute Nutritional Dharma Talk with Dr. David Minkoff that could very possibly transform your life, and certainly – if you are an athlete – your sport performances…hang in there, the Highest Teachings are in the final few minutes… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqULDbbLKD8&feature=youtu.be&list=UUR6HYzxibSJujnjbtgRsETA&utm_source=BHFN+-+A+-+7%2F24%2F2014&utm_campaign=UA-709316-1&utm_medium=email

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