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“Daddy…i’m not so nervous now that I am here…I LIKE THIS PLACE!”

the PLACE to Dewa (7) was referring was a rolling pinyon and ponderosa-studded ranch located about 12 miles northeast of a Tibetan-like refuge of crazy alpine beauty known as Westcliffe, Colorado. i’ve never been never before my ol’ snowshoe racing pal and legendary Burro Racer (yeah, i said, Burro Racer) invited me to be a “Celebrity Athlete” along with Chris McDougall who just penned a NY Times Bestselling book called, Natural Born Heroes which documents the Tarahumara Natives of Copper Canyon and their relationship with an enigmatic white runner turned guru, Micah True. I, Dewa, and Sandra would spend the weekend with Chris at the Woolfe Hotel in ‘downtown’ Westcliffe – which is on the National Register of Historic Buildings because it was built in 1887 and is still amazingly reflective of that era. it’s also haunted which, well, that’s another story. let’s just say we had a very interesting pre-race night.

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How feeble ilg spent a 53rd Birthday on this Plane(t) during a very paltry incarnation; finishing in the top ten of a 3-day cycling stage race and easing the lactic acid from my muscles through Steve ilg’s High Performance Yoga, and hanging with my precious family…the way i live my life is my response to all […]

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yet, as i tapped into my breath and spun my pedals? a certain Pratyhara arose…yeah, a Drawing of my Senses Inward. perhaps it was the Time Trial helmet which accounted for the acoustics of my breath to seem more resounding. whatever it was, the rhythm of my breath and pedal cadence drew my spiritual self inward yet my outer Awareness remained on high beam; taking the shortest lines through the serpentine road, seeking and riding upon the smoothest ribbons of asphalt laced upon this old county road, veering away from the puddles of the still wet road from the soaking rain just an hour or so earlier. such things add up in a Time Trial, the Race of Truth, for there is no drafting; just you, your inner power, and your breath against the clock.

knew i was going fast when, by mile 10…

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Yesterday at 10,910’… surrounded by my lifelong friends; cold, snow, and high heart rate! Felt fleet, felt a sense of Wu-Wei – effortless effort – and raced to a top 10% of all 400+ finishers…today? well, not so much…


in bike racing there is an oft recited catchphrase; “Sometimes you are the hammer, and sometimes? Well you’re the {explicative} nail.”

this morning? feeble ilg was the latter.

in fact, i finished very nearly DEAD LAST!

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finished in 3:03, 26th out of over 500 registrants and over 450 starters. i liked the math going into tomorrow.

most of all? i LOVED seeing my family at the Finish Line; Dewa going crazy with love while holding up her hand-written sign which read, “GO DAD GO!!”

such is why we race.

wish me Godspeed tomorrow and keep your Wholistic Fitness practices strong.

they work.

trust me.

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The earthquakes (which the Hindi’s would recognize as Shiva Dancing) expresses the Buddhist notion that all of conditioned existence, without exception, is transient, or in a constant state of flux…that everything we build – be it family, finances, temples, et. al – can all be wiped out in a m(om)ent; so we should prepare for it.

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from one broken back mountain yogi to another…Danelle? it’s been a while since chasing each other on snowshoes, however, your inspiration remains as fresh to me as a September snow in Leadville…

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  Noble Sangha…. when i was deeply imbedded in Road Cycling racing,   i was trained by my Elders to “See the Organization…” what this meant was to realize that elite cycling is like an aerobic/anaerobic chess match…you must – no matter HOW HARD YOU ARE HURTING – keep your (what i have called) HELICOPTER […]

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