“Daddy…i’m not so nervous now that I am here…I LIKE THIS PLACE!”
the PLACE to Dewa (7) was referring was a rolling pinyon and ponderosa-studded ranch located about 12 miles northeast of a Tibetan-like refuge of crazy alpine beauty known as Westcliffe, Colorado. i’ve never been never before my ol’ snowshoe racing pal and legendary Burro Racer (yeah, i said, Burro Racer) invited me to be a “Celebrity Athlete” along with Chris McDougall who just penned a NY Times Bestselling book called, Natural Born Heroes which documents the Tarahumara Natives of Copper Canyon and their relationship with an enigmatic white runner turned guru, Micah True. I, Dewa, and Sandra would spend the weekend with Chris at the Woolfe Hotel in ‘downtown’ Westcliffe – which is on the National Register of Historic Buildings because it was built in 1887 and is still amazingly reflective of that era. it’s also haunted which, well, that’s another story. let’s just say we had a very interesting pre-race night.