CL’s traditional sign off to his weekly underground emails which etherally connect this Tribe is succinct to this fact of verve; “Shut Up, Show Up, No Whiners.” In evident, somatic testimony to my anxiety over this cardio-flogging, I realize my subconsciously puckered anal sphincter and attempt to relax. Yet, as one after another 3% bodyfat human whippet in lycra roll up next to me, the puckering returns….
within seconds of my posting of my Pumpkin Teaching, my most Precious Master Student of WF; PY fired me this pic with all the velocity inherent to a Vajarapani dharmic arrow…
there are two Paths which lead up the steepest of all terrain toward the Highest of all possible summits (and ilg can speak here from direct experience): one is the renunciate/easier Path…
the other?
is the Householder Path…
take today, for instance…
How far are we going to take this?
The question is not how far. The question is, do you possess the constitution,
the depth of faith, to go as far as needed?
The Boondock Saints
after a morning of chopping wood, cranking Mantra, i had to lower the testosterone inherent to operating such things as chain saws, 8lb Colton Splitting Axes, sledges and a half-cord of wild wood to soften into being a bodyworker…so, into the Zendo i went and the subsequent transformation from Yang to Yin
to feeble ilg’s experience, sometimes the world’s most powerfully beautiful spots are potent psychospiritual vortices which…
ilg, trained by a wolf, has been observing in wolf-like ways for the past several years since the birth of my own daughter, how the young kids have become so falsely “sophisticated” if not attentionally-neurotic that ilg can see the bergschrund within their minds which takes illusion for truth, and that mental instability is now being accepted as simply the sap which feeds the fruit of true knowledge…though it is not so…
what ilg loves most about being a WF yogi?
the mind-bending versatility…
as we play in the peletons of cyclists, runners, asana-addicted yogis, skiers, gym rats, you-name-it,
the WF Yogi remains lofted above all…fearless of none, capable of standing side-by-side any sport and/or physiologic specific athlete/warrior..yet,
few are able to tread the versatile terrain which is the very yoga mat of the WF Warrior Yogi! c’mon, you won’t believe my day today….or the pics…