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  selfie of your feeble teacher of no-thing, atop 12,683′ Richmond Pass after an 1:06 ascent on Day 3/4 of my Teepee Training Bloc Camp… (see my personal Social Media)…     The King Milinda once asked the Buddhist sage Nagasena: “When someone is reborn, is he the same as the one who just died, […]

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Yup… we are looking at ilg’s breakfast this morning after my Early Morning Ritual® which included a sustained enjoyment of my Medicine Spider Inversion/Backbend Routine® into Standing Medicine Spider Routine® (which – btw – took out 90% of an uncharacteristically tweaked lower back weirdness felt upon awakening…). cast-iron skillet on Medium laced with Olive Oil, […]

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“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” – John Muir   Today was Session 3 of our St. Columba 5th Grader MTB Camp. After Bike and Helmet Check and splashing $10 in chain lubricant over the kids chains?  i signaled ever awes(om)e Assistant Coach […]

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in 1985, I authored ‘THE OUTDOOR ATHLETE’ … it sent a big ripple at a pivotal time that helped create the Tidal Wave of outdoor performance sports, companies, and athletes today…and feeble ilg is still unsure of my feelings regarding that fact! Rest in natural great peace This exhausted mind Beaten helpless by karma and […]

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Durango, Colorado – more Champions per captia across more sports than any other town in Turtle Island Venue:  Durango Parks and Recreation Center pic of  Coach Ilg’s Tuesday Night Indoor Cycling World’s (TNICW’s) Grand Finale Champion Kathryn Phillips with Coach Ilg.  pic by TNICW’s former champion and all-round great guy plus a renown […]

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Student Q&A:  WF Protocol for ‘soreness’

pic: with more podiums across more sports than any other mountain yogi on Turtle Island over the past 3.5 decades of racing and performing,  it may surprise you to learn that your feeble teacher of nothing,  NEVER gets ‘sore’ from training,  only racing… here is why… *** Most Noble Wholistic Fitness® Sangha, here you can […]

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Noble Sangha! it’s kinda weird;  WF uses what the Outer World would term as Supplements (Sunrider Whole Food Herbs or SR +BodyHealth or BH) as our CORE NUTRITION…thus allowing us to enjoy the comparatively feeble physical foods bought from the market as our calories, tastes, enjoyment… if it’s ONE thing feeble ilg has learned over the […]

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Attending Sunday Service: First Chair at Purgatory. Our Reverend Father Bluebird Sky and Fresh Snow Mother Earth. Hallowed be Their Grace… Blessed Be Thy Sacred Sweat! Feeble ilg reckons that i had to learn what it takes to become an author of several (non-self published, but real) books, so too must a skier, runner, dancer, […]

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