
i transformed one of my students of yoga/bodywork – a former National Champion in his sport – back to the top ten of last weekends’ National CycleCross Championships in Austin, TX. one year ago? his body was like the fabled tale of Zumbaks’ Suit; all twisted and contorted and full of deep cellular, neural, and hormonal imbalance from decades of professional cycling without a wholistic coach in his corner.

in the past 12 months…

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  Sit quietly. From the depths of your heart, invoke in the sky in front of you the embodiment of the truth in the person of your master, a saint, or an enlightened being. Try to visualize the master or buddha as alive and as radiant and translucent as a rainbow. If you have difficulty […]

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When Aspens Can No Longer Whisper To Me…

These are my happy times, when the Aspens can no longer whisper their cheers to me… when, lower, the harvest begins to wane and the Bear Beings begin etching their long nocturnal nap beds…. when I force myself time and again to my lonely walk and work to the utmost upon this aging body of mine… There is warmth in the valleys

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Dear Dewachen Catherine Ilg,
you are my Rinpoche of all Rinpoche’s…
being your Daddy (this time around) is my Karma,
the dynamics of our precious circum-Stance is our Samskaric dance…

can’t believe you’ll be 7 on 9/11…

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Wake UP and Bite Back at Mediocrity!!!  More Ancient Teachings from the Sacred Spires…

Dewa and Amma ( Joy Kilpatrick ) grinding corn in an ancient Mataté…awes(om)e lower back opener…any wonder that our ‘modern civilization’ which has removed itself so far from functional fitness for everyday tasks and nature suffers from so many dis-eases of body, mind, and spirit? it’s no wonder to me, in fact, it’s embarrassing how soft and weak our species has become due to an ever growing addiction to comfort…

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Although surrounded by stunning natural if not mystical beauty, Beclabito has not ONE mountain biking trail, hiking trail, or even a skateboard park, soccer field, or half an outdoor basketball court or even a running track while here in Durango, less than 2 hours away? We have DEVO and DOZENS of world-class venues for our kids to service ALL of their interests and passions.

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What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?

What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?
Sit with it for a while…

In the Tradition of Wholistic Fitness®?

Easy Answer: Working on our weaknesses make us stronger…

ilg is going to tell you s(om)ething…

i think you’re strong because you have weaknesses…as do we all…and knowing that, viscerally, is the jumping off place into Wholistic Fitness®…

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Conscious Parenting; Dandelion Teaching – honoring emotive/feeling dance

Through my family?
Even numbskull ilg is learning the art of skillful appropriation;
when to be fierce
and when to just let be.
Like dandelions dancing within my yard.

Tonight, as i watched…

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