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pic by feeble ilg today of  HP Yogini Sandra Lee cherishing secret high hot springs water and sacred snows after a 1,000′ vert grind toward 13,000’… as a full-blood Navajo, the drought has hit Sandra hard as she knows what life is like on the Rez growing up without running water or electricity…        […]

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your feeble teacher of no-thing… still all-Ways challenging ilg’s paltry limits in the most unique, wholistic, lunatic fringe ways… and? that is what ilg loves most about the Wholistic Fitness® lifestyle: it keeps life interesting and the chi elevating! my notes from Naropa (A Buddhist Contemplative University which ilg attended after defaulting from Molecular Cellular […]

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Nabbin’ Madden Bike/Run Duathlon Workout – Level One Variation (Level Two, C(om)ing Soon!) Start Location:   halfway between Durango and Mancos, Colorado Equipment:  although i used a Cross Bike for this particular day,  a MTB would probably serve you better.   Running shoes.  Hydration Pack with Tailwind. Ilg’s Roundtrip Time:   just under 3 hours. […]

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super stoked to be the featured guest on Mike Brook’s “ClimbTalk” Show tonight! 9:45pm at KVCU 1190 AM Boulder/Denver…or visithttp://www.radio1190.org/ and press the live stream button   Feeble ilg when i was not so feeble…mid-eighties, Boulder, CO…i could get on podiums of bodybuilding, ultra-marathons, and free solo some of the most difficult climbs in the […]

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Michael has been a most stalwart Warrior
in my Winter Sports Training Camp which includes my weekly
HP Yoga®, had never snowshoed before today…
and had knee surgery one year ago..
well, he’s hooked…
how about you?

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A Mountain Yogi’s Version of a StairMaster Workout:   When the Sacred Snows Run Thin?  Run Up (and Down)…

ilg calls this posture; Apresthresholdhellasana. ilg reckons this is what the common man is afraid of…spewing Sacred Spit after 51 minutes of Threshold uphill running through snow…yes, feeble ilg missed breaking the 50-minute barrier up the 2,029′ walls of snow by 1 stinkin’ minute. aaaaargh!!! That’s okay…in failure, we learn more than through success. Next week? If it still hasn’t snowed? I already have a different route selection that just may save me those few seconds to break 50-minutes. Such goes the Warrior Mind.

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feeling the pre-event Chi in a big way. i’ve worked on my ‘Pranayama Pump’ each day and had some great sitting meditations trying to tame the intense emotions.

i was approached by a lone Kyrgyz cowboy after saying our Prayer. he sat beside me, took my journal, and wrote a full entry in Kyrgyz before galloping away with a wink and a wave. a Bodhisattva.

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An honest realization must precede the evident answer to ‘preventing disasters’ on Chomolungma (aka; Mt. Everest). No one that uses supplemental oxygen on a peak actually climbs that peak. Using oxygen falsely ‘lowers’ the elevation and subjective dangers of the natural peak to the fitness capacity of the perpetrator…errr, ‘climber.’

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