
We are human. We are upright. We are beautifully, uniquely our own Self. We are meant to fail at any given turn for that is how we Rise Higher. Take the time to understand our voluntary athletic suffering and we may be able to contemplate and amplify our Higher spiritual intentions to become better in the process and in turn understand our Wholeness; become our own medicine man.

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– Full Snow Moon – February

Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the north and east most often called February’s full Moon the Full Snow Moon. Some tribes also referred to this Moon as

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ilg uses and relies on two TREMENDOUS BodyHealth products to keep the fat off; Healthy Thin and Optimal Weight Management Formula which is most optimally used along with the MAP Amino Acids, INTESTINAL CLEANSE, and COMPLETE + Liver DeTox…

just click the above link to receive the Coach Ilg Discount and 24/7 communciation/guidance with me as you enjoy your BODYHEALTH JOURNEY!

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i transformed one of my students of yoga/bodywork – a former National Champion in his sport – back to the top ten of last weekends’ National CycleCross Championships in Austin, TX. one year ago? his body was like the fabled tale of Zumbaks’ Suit; all twisted and contorted and full of deep cellular, neural, and hormonal imbalance from decades of professional cycling without a wholistic coach in his corner.

in the past 12 months…

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This past Saturday, feeble ilg raced what i felt was my strongest 10 kilometer nordic skate race since i was in my thirties, i mean, i friggin’ threw DOWN… yet, i finished a few seconds off the podium and i know why; here is why….

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fit kit

Dear Steve:
This what I think was a workout during one of my Durango intensives
Major Chi hits on that trip.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all your family. Hopefully our path will cross soon.
Ai Imawa
Fit Kit

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“A ‘resolution’ is an impart upon the Tao which, in spiritual training, is a no-no…
however, if you choose me to play your game? i shall answer thusly:

my New Years’ Resolution is to re-incarnate into a MUCH HIGHER Teacher so that it doesn’t take soooooo long for the Outer World to
catch up with the Truth of Wholeness which sings, dances, animates, and orchestrates my Being, my Lifestory: Wholistic Fitness®!!!”

You, my Students…have again Taught me my Highest Lessons this year…

and continue to inspire my own Practice Ever Higher, Ever M0re Whole…

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joy’s 2nd retreat

i missed the first one cuz i got to Dewa-sit while Joy taught…i’m truly visualizing making this one!
how about you?!

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