Student Quote Of The Week: Coach, I am hardly worthy to bow to your wisdom, knowledge and energy, but I do so. Decades ago, I was a member of your Tribe and would join again, if permitted to do so.   I remember reading your first book and it totally blew me away. I was […]

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Student PG on Perfect Amino;  lost 13lbs, endurance up, soreness gone

Since upping my dose to 5-7 per day my weight has reduced, my endurance increased, and most importantly the soreness has left my body! I am within 7 pounds of my playing weight and should be there by the end of the year. Many thanks to you and the Dr. for your always sage advice….head bowed, PG

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a key ingredient to the success of my injury-liberating, wholeness-gathering Path of training has been the yogic principle of ‘Ahimsa’ or ‘do no harm’ to your body, mind, or spirit while training. many more body-oriented fitness systems bulldoze the American public with their version of the “The Next Big Thing,” for personal fitness, leaving behind them a wake of non-Awakened, injured warriors. Realistically? One must honor the spiritual, mental, chemical, hormonal, and neural energetics first and foremost if you’re still gonna be cranking your fitness into your final chapters of your Sacred Journey called life….below, i answer a young Seeker’s question about my integration (or lack thereof?) of Kettle Bells into Wholistic Fitness®. Enjoy, and may your Practice benefit..

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7+ years ago; BRRRRING! goes our doorbell at “Two Tree Manor” our precious home in Kinlani. Joy was in her full-on Ganesha Mode; hugely, beautifully pregnant with our chi-ld…
how prophetic would soon bec(om)e that shout out from Chris. You see, Chris was our UPS Guy…and on that fine evening of September 10th, 2007 Chris delivered our package and – typical of mountain folk – he hung out a bit to chat with Ganesha Joy and i….when suddenly,

“Uh…Honey?” there was a distinct twinge of something between wonder and anxiety in her voice.

“Yeah?”… i replied feeling a sudden wave of my life changing…

“You better get our hospital bag…”

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Dear Coach Ilg,
My name is James Carpenter. Ten years ago, I bought your book Total Body Transformation when I was 16 years old. At that time, I wasn’t ready for such a sophisticated program, so the book sat on my shelf until last year. I’ve been following the programs in the book, and it’s been very rich and rewarding.
It’s a little funny because…

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newly minted HP Yoga® Teacher, Jackie “Gamhé” Boudreau is already gaining a big class following…and more importantly; she is carrying the WF Torch igniting Transformation quickly among her students.

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“Most Loved and Honorable Steve Ilg,

did you know that i got “sober” while we were doing online training?

it is true.

that ain’t no morsel baby.






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“I just want to thank you for your gifts of knowledge, experience and heart you share with others. Logan does not tend to look up to this person or that but that he expressed to me that if he had a hero to look up to, it would be you…”

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