“Baby Girl? just keep breathing one foot in front of the other, relax your shoulders, open your heart, and know how many are suffering and would LOVE to be racing like you, RIGHT NOW!” your feeble teacher of nothing’s advice to his daughter on Sunday enroute to her CRUSHING a 4th OVERALL in my […]
“The Fire is the Kundalini. Just as fire becomes bigger when fanned by the wind, so when the Prana and Apana are united, this starts to fan the Kundalini. It becomes brighter. This is not physical heat; it is psychic heat, and you can see the radiations. It is said that a true yogi’s body […]
Pic by Dewa (11); Start of the Wolf Creek Rando… “my Daddy had to start in last row because of him taking amazing care of me…sorry Daddy!” Pic by Sandra Lee; Dewa helping her Daddy toward the Finish Line and a spot on the Overall Short Course Podium! Selfie; three hours post racing […]
Utkatasana Pose: Source, Yoga Journal. Utkatasana Pose: Source, feeble ilg’s actual High Performance® Yoga public teaching class. pic by Wayne Williams, LA. Utkatasana Pose: Source, feeble ilg’s personal yogic practice enroute to another Overall Title at age 54 (two years ago). pic by HP Yogini, Sandra Lee. Utkatasana; Studio yogis may be more […]
Student Quote Of The Week; “So, 2 of your #ilgshighperformanceyogaclasses? 2 of my chronic injuries vanished! I cannot stop marveling! Really! Tonight? I arrived with a nagging shoulder injury that has been giving me much grief (very grouchy mom)…Vanished!!! Thank YOU, Precious Coach for not only sharing your magic with us at Rec Center […]
this morning: 6th Place AG on a Course Profile that was not steep ’nuff nor techy ’nuff to suit your feeble teacher of no-thing…yet? finishing off the podium inspired, spiritually, ilg way more than if ilg did… Whatever you want? Wants you! ilg wants the Sport Specific’s cuz? ilg knows by 35+ years […]
Steve Ilg 1 hr via Instagram · Hi! It’s me, Dewa. Just back from another great ride with my Dad. I wanted to invite you to my next Theatre Performance; The Book Of You #durangoartscenter Show times are this Saturday @ 2 and 7p. REALLY hope you can make it! I’m excited! Oh, and […]
“Great things are done when men and mountains meet…” – William Blake When we choose to climb upwards the obvious Metaphor seems to scintillate even the most spiritually impoverished. it hurts. it burns. you can’t wait for it be over. yet s(om)ething about the burning intensity during an ascent? enkindles s(om)ething ever Higher within […]