
sure, of course, i love running, snowshoeing, skiing, mountain biking, hiking, and nowadays taking my daughter along the sinewy sweetness of the massive network and drop-to-your-knees beauty of the Four Corners trails! doh!

but, what only a few of you know?

i love creating and maintaining trails even more!


i love the seduction; trails beckon us further, higher…toward purer terrain. Trails are metaphors for our own yogic, fitness, and life journeys.
i want to do my part in protecting the vinyasa of trails for my daughter’s generations and many more…

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Big Medicine Day for feeble ilg..i re-visited after a couple of decades my old ‘office’ of Eldorado Canyon where during a decade i was engulfed in a tidal wave of sacred creation; where once i put up dozens of First Ascents which to this day, legions of rock climbers still monument my original ascents…oh, baby, have things changed since my near daily pilgrimages to this unspeakably precious crayola-colored canyon hallmarked by a clear, wild creek rushing over still tumbling (though be it in slow-motion) boulders.

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Dighándíshwo’go bee shidziil…
(Running makes me strong)
running felt more natural to me than walking.
why walk,
when you can run like a Wolf?

until i broke my spine.
i still run.
i still race, kinda.
it ain’t the same.
not carefree feet flirting like Dewa’s upon and across Mother Earth’s skin.
not any more.

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  Sit quietly. From the depths of your heart, invoke in the sky in front of you the embodiment of the truth in the person of your master, a saint, or an enlightened being. Try to visualize the master or buddha as alive and as radiant and translucent as a rainbow. If you have difficulty […]

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Michael has been a most stalwart Warrior
in my Winter Sports Training Camp which includes my weekly
HP Yoga®, had never snowshoed before today…
and had knee surgery one year ago..
well, he’s hooked…
how about you?

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actual story: at the time, both Andre (Agassi and Ilg were NIKE sponsored (ilg representing the then A.C.G. – All Conditions Gear – Line of NIKE) and we met a couple of times at a few gigs…at airports, during that time, i got mistaken for Andre several times because i would be toting around big NIKE gear bags with my blond-bleached mullet, et. al…so, hate to spill the beans, but

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When Aspens Can No Longer Whisper To Me…

These are my happy times, when the Aspens can no longer whisper their cheers to me… when, lower, the harvest begins to wane and the Bear Beings begin etching their long nocturnal nap beds…. when I force myself time and again to my lonely walk and work to the utmost upon this aging body of mine… There is warmth in the valleys

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My master had a student called Apa Pant, a distinguished Indian diplomat and author, who served as Indian ambassador in a number of capital cities around the world. He was also a practitioner of meditation and yoga, and each time he saw my master, he would always ask him “how to meditate.” He was following […]

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